The past few years have been full of adventure. The pursuit of whitewater paddling has risen to become the foremost focus in my life. I've shaped my lifestyle, both personal and professional, into a mold that allows me to more fully immerse myself in the navigation of swiftly moving, and falling water. There is a closeness, a tremendous bond that forms among people who share any passion, or who triumph jointly over great challenges. Often adventure is met at the point where great passion and challenge come together. It can be both enlightening and terrifying, exulting and tragic. Whitewater is the medium on which I choose to focus my passion. It is the challenge for the body, mind and soul that elevates focus and blots out all distractions. And it is over this incredible dynamic medium that I have been able experience and explore some of the most incredible places on earth and share time with some of my closest friends. I hope this blog will serve its purpose of sharing the passion for adventure and whitewater equally with both those who may already be familiar with its draw and those to whom it is foreign. I'd like to nurture that closeness, and strengthen that bond that has been created as a result of these pursuits while also shedding light toward the reason behind my addiction to whitewater for my non paddling friends and family. Through photos and stories this blog is my shot at defining adventure.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fall in the South-east #1: The Horsepasture River

Horsepasture River @ 4in, 60 degrees, perfect fall day!
After a couple of great trips down North Carolina's Horsepasture river in the last few year, and a heavy rain coming in, Jeff Clewell, Eric Strittmater and I met Curt Joyce and Rachel Curtis at the gorges state park ready to hike the new 1.5 mile trail in to the base of the 130 foot Rainbow Falls, our putin. The conditions were perfect for this spectacular Jocassee drainage run. Fall colors were at their peak, and water levels were perfect. Thanks to Curt, we have some great photos from the day. Scouting and paddling our way down to the takeout above the 750 ft cascading Windy Falls awarded us with one of the best days of boating we had this fall. Not even the uphill mile and half hike out from Windy Falls could diminish the great felling left by the great drops and scenery of the Horsepasture. Here a few of Curt's photos:

Eric Strittmater ready for one of the big slides.
Photo: Curt Joyce

Rachel Curtis in the middle of Staircase, a perfect set of 5-6 fun clean ledges between 10 and 20 ft tall, with a big horizon line at the top.
Photo: Curt Joyce

Rachel Entering the final drop in Highway to Heaven, this rapid was awesome, and the top slide was four times the size of this one, totally rad.
Photo: Drew Austell

Me finishing up the same drop.
Photo: Curt Joyce

Jeff is the last man standing above one of the coolest drops on the Horsepasture. I think this picture say it all, what an awesome place.
Photo: Curt Joyce


  1. you have a lovely intro, keep up the bloggerific posts. great photos, too.

  2. I want more please! Even if it is a post about adventures with trees. :)
